Krystal Nguyen
Garden Grove, CA
Krystal Nguyen is from Garden Grove, California. She loves her hometown because of the delicious food. Currently, she is a third-year student and is studying Business Economics and minoring in Supply Chain. She enjoys watching TikTok and being outdoors with her dogs.
Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, Krystal is naturally interested in creating her own business. Currently, she is running a small lash business providing lash extensions to people around UCSD. She hopes to join the corporate world in the future, but right now she is enjoying her time with friends and family.
One fun fact about her is that she owns three dogs. Krystal decided to come out and rush Alpha Kappa Psi to meet new people and learn new skills. As a result, she has accomplished much with her aspirations and has created memorable moments. She is thankful for such memories due to her brothers she stands beside in the organization.