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Sean Cha



Valencia, CA

Sean Cha is a third year Business Economics major with an accounting minor at sixth college. Although he was born in Korea, he has been in Valencia, California for the majority of his life. Growing up with a diverse group of friends, he finds understanding other perspectives to be very important despite how controversial or illogical they may be.


Professionally, Sean is trying to become a CPA to get experience. He does not plan to stay as an accountant and plans to eventually start a business of his own someday. He also has a passion for environmental sustainability and would like to see these values to be shown in the business or workplace that he stays at in the future. Although he has wanted to make a business as a child, he wants to make sure that whatever he does in the future, it allows him to be able to have quality time with his family and be able to travel. Along with having family values, Sean has served as a volunteer tax preparer where he helped do taxes for clients and enjoyed giving back to the community. For his next professional experience, he plans on getting an auditing internship at the Big 4 this upcoming summer.


Sean really enjoys cooking meals and is getting into meal prepping, but he also enjoys working out, skateboarding, playing guitar, and listening to Korean R&B. Ever since joining AKPsi, Sean has found a group of people who can push him professionally and personally. He is looking forward to making new memories with all of his brothers this year.

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