Kyle Yun
San Jose, CA
Kyle is a fourth-year transfer from UCSC studying Public Health concentrating in Health Management and Policy. A Bay Area native, Kyle had the privilege to grow up with a family that taught him the values of hard work, kindness, and giving back to his community. Striving to make his family proud, Kyle makes his best efforts to leave a positive impact on others and living life to its fullest, doing what excites.
Professionally, healthcare has always been one of Kyle's biggest passions. This past summer Kyle had the privilege to intern at Hologic as a health integration and automation marketing intern. Kyle understands that healthcare is directly tied into the business world and is something that is constantly being changed and innovated with different policies and new technology everyday, but at the same time is something that still isn't accessible nor affordable to many different populations. Knowing this, he hopes to utilize his knowledge in the future through healthcare reform, consulting, tech, and other creative outlets in order to make a positive change in our current healthcare system.
In his free time, Kyle enjoys being active by going to the gym and often playing sports such as soccer, basketball, and golf with his fellow brothers. You can often find him wearing AirPods listening to a wide variety of music ranging from Kpop to EDM or looking at last nights box scores and shopping on Grailed. He loves reading manga and watching anime and has also recently picked up DJing! Although being a transfer, Kyle feels right at home with his brothers in the Nu Xi chapter and is excited to make even more memories in his last year of college.