Christie Chen
Walnut, CA
Christie Chen is a second-year Business Economics major and Psychology minor in Eleanor Roosevelt College. She is currently exploring different fields of interest within Real Estate as well as Marketing and Communications in the Entertainment industry. After graduating from a newly established arts high school in the San Gabriel Valley, she discovered her passion for the thrilling, dynamic world of the entertainment industry. In the future, she is determined to maintain her love for the arts and continue to cultivate a professional career.
By becoming a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, Christie sought to build a strong sense of professionalism and immerse herself into a community of hardworking individuals. Throughout her time, she has created unforgettable memories and an amazing bond with her brothers.
In her free time, Christie enjoys exploring San Diego and finding new viewpoints and yummy restaurants to try. Her daily necessities include a refreshing cup of kombucha or ginger shot to keep her energized.